A turorial of advanced methods for the meta-analyses of animal models
Illustration of multilevel model, meta-regression, multivariate model and robust variance estimation
If this tutorial is useful to your meta-analysis, please cite the following paper:
Yefeng Yang, Malcom Macleaod, Jinming Pan, Malgorzata Lagisz, Shinichi Nakagawa, 2022. The current practices of meta-analyses using animal models, and underappreciated opportunities using advanced methods: multilevel models and robust variance estimation. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
Code written by:
Dr. Yefeng Yang PhD
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;
Department of Biosystems Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;
Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Email: yefeng.yang1@unsw.edu.au
Code cross-checked by:
Dr. Malgorzata Lagisz PhD
Evolution & Ecology Research Centre, UNSW Data Science Hub;
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Email: m.lagisz@unsw.edu.au
Professor Shinichi Nakagawa PhD
Elected Member of Society for Research Synthesis Methodology
Fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales (FRSN)
Evolution & Ecology Research Centre, UNSW Data Science Hub;
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Email: s.nakagawa@unsw.edu.au
We should acknowledge that this supplementary tutorial is heavily
influenced by the open code from published papers in Prof. Shinichi
Nakagawa’s lab (see
full publication list) and from (Associate) Prof. Wolfgang
Viechtbauer’s versatile R
package metafor
the documentation.
This is an easy-to-implement tutorial, where you just need to have a slight modification to fit your own meta-analytic data. But we note that some arguments or script may be out of date because some packages are updating or changing in future. We will periodically update this tutorial to keep it working. The latest version of the tutorial can be found the GitHub repository (https://github.com/Yefeng0920/advanced_animal_MA_tutorial) and the Zenodo repository (https://zenodo.org/record/6622330#.YqAyH3ZBw2w)
Loading packages
Load the necessary R
packages for data manipulation,
visualizations and model implementation. Note that if your
does not have the following packages, you need to install
them by using install.packages()
for CRAN packages or
for those archived on github
repositories: tidyverse
, knitr
, readxl
, metafor
, orchaRd
, MuMIn
, GoodmanKruskal
, ggplot2
, ggsignif
, ggalluvial
, ggthemr
, grDevices
, png
, gridGraphics
, pander
, rmdformats
Why animal meta-analyses need advanced models
We profiled the current practices of meta-analyses of animal data by mapping the reporting practices, statistical issues and statistical approaches from papers published over the last 10 years (2011 – 2021; see survey results in a Github repository: mlagisz/survey_neurobiology_MA). Animal meta-analyses often combine studies on different species or strains, experimental designs (e.g., different dosages or sex of the animals), multiple outcomes, multiple trials, each with multiple arms. These complex data structures often result in two statistical issues: statistical dependence and multiple sources of heterogeneity. Researchers in animal meta-analyses mainly use traditional meta-analytic techniques (i.e., fixed- and random-effects models), which are very limited in addressing the two issues. resulting unreliable meta-analytic evidence (e.g., inflation of p-value) can undermine our ability to provide robust meta-analytic insights.
Formulating meta-analysis within the multilevel model framework allows directly modeling dependence and heterogeneity. In the main text, we elaborate on the concepts, rationale, and examples of the multilevel model in the context of meta-analysis. To complement the theory of the multilevel model outlined in the main text, here, we provide a easy-to-implement tutorial (with R code) to showcase how to conduct animal meta-analyses within the framework of multilevel model. We also illustrate how to implement other underappreciated methods, such as robust variance estimation. We encourage meta-analysts to modify the sample R code for their own animal data meta-analyses to draw more robust biological (neurological) inferences, reveal new biological insights, and foster better animal-to-human translation (Bahadoran et al. (2020)).
All source files for this tutorial, including Rmarkdown file with the original code can be found at https://github.com/Yefeng0920/advanced_animal_MA_tutorial.
How to implement advanced meta-analytic techniques
This online tutorial has two parts:
Part I: Animal meta-analyses within the multilevel model framework
In Part I, we reproduce a typical animal meta-analyses conducted by Ramsteijn et al. (2020), who employed the traditional meta-analytic techniques (i.e., random-effects model; see 6.1 in the main text). We use this dataset as the worked example to: - show how failure to account for non-independence using traditional meta-analytic technique might lead to spurious conclusions; - showcase the implementation of the multilevel meta-analytic framework (sections 6 to 8 in the main text).
Part I consists of 5 sections. In Section 1, we show how to use R code to fit a traditional meta-analytic model, by which we expect you to get familiar with coding/syntax-based implementation of meta-analytic models and corresponding model outputs. By building upon the random-effects meta-analytic model (Section 1), we illustrate the procedures related to the use of multilevel models (Sections 2 to 7). We recommend researchers to employ these procedures as default analytic pipelines when conducting animal meta-analysis.
Section 1 - Fit a random-effects meta-analytic model
Section 2 – Fit a multilevel meta-analytic model to estimate overall pooled effect
Section 3 – Partition heterogeneity among effect sizes using the multilevel model
Section 4 – Fit multilevel meta-regressions to explain heterogeneity and estimate moderator effects
Section 5 – Expand animal data meta-analysis using emerging effect sizes
Section 6 – Test publication bias
Part II: Complementary analyses with other advanced methods to handle more complex animal data structures
In Part II, we use a more complex animal dataset to show the implementation of the extended methods outlined in section 9 in the main text. This dataset comes from one of our published neuroscience meta-analyses (Lagisz et al. (2020)). Methods implemented in Part II are not mandatory procedures for performing an animal meta-analysis, but following them can make an animal meta-analysis statistically more sound (with more reliable model coefficients and statistical inferences). These extended methods include:
Section 7 – Select an appropriate random-effect structure
Section 8 – Fit multi-moderator multilevel meta-regression models
Section 9 – Construct variance-covariance matrix to account for correlated/non-independent error
Section 10 – Make cluster-robust model inferences
The above four sections broadly align with the order of subheadings of our main text. For each procedure within Part I and Part II, we first briefly explain the necessary statistical concepts and rationale (detailed theoretical explanations can be found in the main text). Then we use existing R packages and custom functions to show the implementation of each procedure.
Section 1 – Fit a random-effect meta-analytic model
We use the animal dataset provided by Ramsteijn et al. (2020) for our first worked example. This dataset comes from one of the meta-analyses included in our survey (Ramsteijn et al. (2020)), where the authors examined the effect of perinatal selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) exposure on behavioural phenotypes of animals (e.g., exploration, learning, stress copying, social behaviour, sensory processing). We choose one of the outcome data subsets (sensory processing) to show the implementation of recommended procedures.
1.1 Load the dataset of Ramsteijn et al. (2020)
Table S1
The corresponding coded variables in the worked example (Ramsteijn et al. (2020)).
As shown in Table S1, this dataset includes 12 primary studies with 17 effect sizes. The ratio of the number of observations / effect sizes (k) to the number of studies (N) implies that this dataset suffers from statistical dependence: k = 17 effect sizes, N = 12 unique primary studies, k/N = 1.4166667. This indicates that several studies in this meta-analysis contributed more than one effect size. Moreover, the authors declared in their published paper:
If a study reported separate comparisons for males and females, or animals exposed to different SSRIs, we analyzed these comparisons as if they were separate studies. (page 55)
This sentence indicates that the authors ignored the fact that multiple effect sizes are nested in one study (multiple effect sizes per study). In reality, the effect sizes are non-independent in this meta-analysis. Besides the issue of non-independence among effect sizes, there also exist multiple sources of heterogeneous biological and methodological characteristics in Ramsteijn et al. (2020)’s dataset (Figure S1).
Figure S1 Heterogeneous experimental designs of primary studies included in the worked example: relationship/nestedness between study species, sex, behavioural assay, and types of exposure (SSRIs).
1.2 Fit a random-effects model
Ramsteijn et al. (2020) used standardized mean differences (SMD) as their effect size metric to quantify the effect of SSRI exposure on animals’ sensory processing. They conducted a random-effects meta-analysis to estimate the overall effect of SSRI and a series of subgroup analyses to examine how different moderators mediate the magnitude of the effect of SSRI. Below, we reproduce Ramsteijn et al. (2020)’s analyses using their analytic pipelines (i.e., the traditional meta-analytic model).
Effect size calculations
SMD and corresponding sampling variance can be computed using
existing R
packages, such as metafor
function) or meta
package. Positive
values of SMD represent that the perinatal SSRI exposure has a positive
effect on offspring’s sensory processing function. Here, we use
to calculate SMD and corresponding sampling
variance. Note that other commonly used effect sizes (see
Section 5) also can be easily calculated using the
mentioned packages. The effect size and corresponding sampling variance
can be computed with (using SMD as an example):
SMD <- escalc(measure = "SMD", # standardised mean difference should be calculated (alternative effect sizes: "ROM" – lnRR, "CVR" – lnCVR, "VR" – lnVR; see below); m1i = SSRI_Mean, # mean of treatment group (SSRI); m2i = Vehicle_Mean, # mean of control group (Vehicle); sd1i = SSRI_SD, # standard deviation of treatment group; sd2i = Vehicle_SD, # standard deviation of control group; n1i = SSRI_Nadj, # sample size of treatment group; n2i = Vehicle_Nadj, # sample size of control group; data = dat_sensory, # dataset of our work example; append = FALSE)
Table S2
The estimates of effect sizes (SMD) and their sampling variance
(SMDV) for each included study and comparison.
Now let’s fit a random-effects model to these data (Equation 1; all notations can be found in the main text):
ES_{j} = \beta_{0} + \mu_{j} + m_{j}, (1)\\ \mu_{j} \sim N(0,\tau^2)\\
m_{j} \sim N(0,\nu_{j})
\] Ramsteijn et al. (2020)
used Review Manager (RevMan v.5.3) to perform the
random-effects analysis. Here, we reproduce their random-effects
meta-analysis using rma()
function in metafor
package with using this syntax:
mod_random_SMD <- rma(yi = SMD, # the variable in your dataset containing calculated effect sizes / estimates of SMD, which can be obtained from R functions like escalc() function; vi = SMDV, # the variable in your dataset containing the estimates of sampling variance of SMD corresponding to each yi test = "t", # the t-distribution is specified to calculate test statsitic and performs significance test (confidence intervals, and p-value for model coefficient intercept in Equation 1); alternative method: "z", which uses a standard normal distribution; data = dat_sensory2 # your dataset )
The model outputs looks like this:
Random-Effects Model (k = 17; tau^2 estimator: REML)
logLik deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-18.8005 37.6010 41.6010 43.1462 42.5241
tau^2 (estimated amount of total heterogeneity): 0.3953 (SE = 0.1964)
tau (square root of estimated tau^2 value): 0.6287
I^2 (total heterogeneity / total variability): 75.75%
H^2 (total variability / sampling variability): 4.12
Test for Heterogeneity:
Q(df = 16) = 52.2611, p-val < .0001
Model Results:
estimate se tval df pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
-0.3873 0.1816 -2.1326 16 0.0488 -0.7723 -0.0023 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Under ‘model results’, we can see these results are not exactly the
same, but very close to what Ramsteijn et al. (2020)
report in their paper (page 62): The overall pooled SMD is estimated to
be \(\beta_{0}\) = -0.387 (original
\(\beta_{0}\) = -0.37) with a standard
error of SE[\(\beta_{0}\)] = 0.182. The
amount of heterogeneity (between-study variance) is \(\tau^2\) = 0.395 and corresponding \(I^2\) = 75.8 (original\(I^2\) = 68%). The slight difference is
caused by different analysis estimators used in our re-analysis and
Ramsteijn et al. (2020)’s analysis. Ramsteijn et al. (2020) performed the analysis using
Review Manager which uses
DerSimonian-Laird method as a default estimator.
uses restricted maximum-likelihood
(REML) method as the estimator, which is suggested by
simulation studies (Langan et al. (2019);
Viechtbauer (2007)). If we specify
DerSimonian-Laird method via the argument
(method = “DL”
), the results are much
closer to Ramsteijn et al. (2020)’s results:
mod_random_SMD2 <- rma(yi = SMD, vi = SMDV, test = "t", method = "DL", # we followed the method used to estimate between-study variance in Ramsteijn et al. (2020)'s analyses - DerSimonian-Laird method, which is the default estimator of Review Manager; data = dat_sensory2 )
Now, the overall pooled SMD becomes \(\beta_{0}\) = -0.378 (original \(\beta_{0}\) = 0.37) and the degree of heterogeneity becomes \(I^2\) = 75.8 (original\(I^2\) = 68%).
Section 2 – Fit a multilevel meta-analytic model to estimate overall pooled effect
In this section, with Ramsteijn et al. (2020)’s data, we illustrate how to conduct a meta-analysis in the framework of multilevel model to deal with non-independence among effect sizes and subsequently obtain a robust overall pooled effect.
2.1 Concepts and rationale
The random-effects model assumes statistical independence between the effect sizes obtained from a set of studies. According to our survey, 89% of animal meta-analyses violated this assumption in practice (see our main text and survey results in a Github repository: mlagisz/survey_neurobiology_MA). As mentioned early, many primary studies included in Ramsteijn et al. (2020) contribute more than one effect size per study (i.e., non-independent effect sizes). The effect sizes are correlated with each other within a ‘clustering’ variable - effect size derived from the same study, species, or other clustering variables (e.g., research group) may be more similar to each other than effect sizes from different study, species, or other clustering variables (e.g., research group). We have a nice visual summary of different forms of potential non-independence in animal data meta-analytic datasets in the main text.
Using a random-effects model to fit dependent effect sizes will
ignore the dependency among effect sizes and treat them as if they were
statistically independent. Such ignorance of
non-independence could inflate Type I error and underestimate the
associated standard error of model coefficient (SE[\(\beta_{0}\)]; see the main text). As a
result, the respective significance tests of model coefficients are
inflated (i.e., distorting p-value and confidence intervals) - our
worked example clearly shows this point (see below). The use of
multilevel model can directly model the statistical dependence among
effect sizes. The multilevel model also can accommodate various sources
of heterogeneity (e.g., originating from different clusters: studies,
species, treatment types). The simplest multilevel model is a 3-level
multilevel meta-analytic model, which can be written as (Equation 2; all
notations can be found in the main text):
ES_{[i]} = \beta_{0} + \mu_{between[j]} + \mu_{within[i]} + e_{[i]},
(2)\\ \mu_{between[j]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{between}^2)\\ \mu_{within[i]}
\sim N(0,\sigma_{within}^2)\\ e_{[i]} \sim N(0,\nu_{[i]})
\] \(\beta_{0}\) in Equation 2
denotes the overall effect (also known as the overall mean or pooled
effect size). Equation 2 is a so-called intercept-only multilevel
meta-analytic model because the main model coefficient is the intercept
(i.e., \(\beta_{0}\)). The principle
that the multilevel model can deal with dependent effect sizes is that
it can use a flexible random-effects structure to capture the
non-independence structure due to clustering/nesting variables
(analogous to the nested random-effects terms in a linear mixed effects
To properly handle non-independence, you need to deal with it from the very beginning, namely when preparing your data file (e.g., Excel or CSV files) structure your data file in a way that permits the incorporation of non-independence among effect sizes. In this respect, you need to code a unique identifier for each observation/effect size (e.g., Obs_ID: Obs1, Obs2, Obs3), primary study (e.g., Study_ID: s1, s2, s3) and strain/species if applicable (e.g., Strain_ID or Species_ID), respectively. These unique identifiers will allow true effect sizes to vary among different clustering variables (for example, to allow true effect sizes vary across different primary studies) and within a cluster variable (i.e., multiple effect sizes nested within an study), such that the corresponding non-independence and variation can be modeled.
2.2 Construct a multilevel meta-analytic model
To fit non-independent effect sizes in Ramsteijn et al. (2020)’s dataset, we need to use
function rather than rma()
package. rma.mv()
function uses the
argument to deal with non-independence due to
clustering. The random
argument can be specified with a
formula (which defines a nested random-effects structure) to account for
non-independence due to clustering. Within the formula, each random
effect is defined using the following form: starts with ~
, followed by a vertical bar |
; Behind
, a clustering variable (e.g., Study_ID,
Species_ID) is assigned to account for the random
effect. In our 3-level multilevel model, we have two random-effects
terms: \(\mu_{between[j]}\) and \(\mu_{within[i]}\) (Equation 2). You may
wonder why there are only two random-effects terms, why Equation 2 is
called a “3-level multilevel model”. This is because Equation 2 also
contains the sampling variance effect (\(e_{[i]}\)) on the “bottom” level (see
- Level 1: sampling variance effect
The sampling variance effect \(e_{[j]}\) is on level 1, which is used to account for sampling/measurement error effect in effect size.
- Level 2: within-study effect
The random effect \(\mu_{within[i]}\) is on level 2,
which can be used to account for within-study (observational
level/effect size level) random effect and uses corresponding variance
component \(\sigma_{within}^2\) to
capture within study-specific heterogeneity. Level 2 can be specified
as: random = ~ 1 | Obs_ID
- level 3: between-study effect
The random effect \(\mu_{between[j]}\) is on level 3,
which can be used to account for between-study (study-specific) random
effect and uses corresponding variance component \(\sigma_{between}^2\) to capture
study-specific heterogeneity. Level 3 can be specified as: random
= ~ 1 | Study_ID
Because 3-level model has two random effects, we need to use list()
to bind them together: random = list(~ 1 | Study_ID, ~ 1 |
. Alternatively, we can use another form of formula to
tell rma.mv()
that the effect sizes are non-independent due
to clustering (nesting random effects): random = ~ 1 | Study_ID /
, which adds a random effect corresponding to the
clustering variable Study_ID and a random effect corresponding
to Obs_ID within Study_ID to the multilevel model.
We can use rma.mv()
to fit a 3-level meta-analytic model
to the calculated SMD with the syntax (implementation of
Equation 2):
mod_multilevel_SMD <- rma.mv(yi = SMD, V = SMDV, random = list(~1 | Study_ID, # a random effect (clustering variable) that allows the true effect sizes vary across studies (variation between studies); ~1 | Obs_ID), # a random effect that allows the true effect sizes vary within studies (variation within studies); test = "t", method = "REML", data = dat_sensory2 )
2.3 Interpretations of a multilevel meta-analytic model
We can use forest plot to visualise the model results. The
function in metafor
package can be
used to make a typical forest plot. We see that in this forest plot
(Figure S2) is hard to tell whether there is statistically significant
overall effect (pooled SMD) or not (the summary polygon shown at the
bottom of the figure almost touches the vertical line which indicates
the zero effect). Alternatively, you can use an alternative
meta-analysis visualisation package orchaRd
, we created
(Nakagawa et al. (2021)).
The orchard_plot()
function can be used to create an
orchard plot (forest-like plot) to visualise the results of a
meta-analytic model (Figure S3). An orchard plot is more informative
than a forest plot. For example, it can display the prediction interval
of the overall effect (bold whiskers), the number of effect sizes
(k) and the number of studies (the number in the bracket). An
orchard plot is very useful when you have a big dataset (large
k; see Figure S9).
Figure S2
Forest plot showing the results of analysing 17 effect sizes with a
multilevel model quantifying the effect of SSRI exposure on animal
sensory processing (data from Ramsteijn et al.
Figure S3
Orchard plot (forest-like plot) showing the results of analysing 17
effect sizes with a multilevel model quantifying the effect of SSRI
exposure on animal sensory processing (data from Ramsteijn et al. (2020)). You can use help(orchard_plot)
to look at the corresponding arguments and add more code to make it more
elegant (Nakagawa et al. (2021)).
The outputs of the fitted multilevel model look:
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 17; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-18.7458 37.4915 43.4915 45.8093 45.4915
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.1455 0.3815 12 no Study_ID
sigma^2.2 0.2636 0.5134 17 no Obs_ID
Test for Heterogeneity:
Q(df = 16) = 52.2611, p-val < .0001
Model Results:
estimate se tval df pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
-0.3887 0.1953 -1.9904 16 0.0639 -0.8026 0.0253 .
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Next, let’s go through the printed model outputs one by one.
- Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model
In the top output section, k
corresponds to the number
of effect sizes fed to the multilevel model. method: REML
means the REML method was specified as estimation procedure for model
fitting to obtain model estimates (e.g., variance components, model
coefficients). All other elements are fit statistics and
information-criteria based statistics, including logLik
(restricted log-likelihood of the fitted model), Deviance
(Akaike information criterion score of the fitted
model), BIC
(Bayesian information criterion) and
(AIC corrected for small sample sizes). These
statistics are used for model selection, that is, to select ‘better’
models (see Section 6).
- Variance Components
This section of the printed output shows the variance estimated for
each level of the fitted 3-level model. The first one,
, represents the level 3 between-study variance,
\(\sigma_{between}^2\). Conceptually,
this is equivalent to between-study heterogeneity variance \(\tau^2\) in a random-effects model -
Equation 1 (but the values of \(\sigma_{between}^2\) and \(\tau^2\) are not the same; see next
section: Comparing the multilevel and random-effects models). The second
variance component, sigma^2.2
, represents the level 2
within-study variance, \(\sigma_{within}^2\). The heading
shows the estimates of variance components in levels
3 and 2 (\(\sigma_{between}^2\) and
\(\sigma_{within}^2\)). The heading
shows the standard deviation of variance components -
square root of \(\sigma^2\). The column
of nlvls
shows how many levels each random effect has.
is the name of the clustering variables we used in
the random
argument to specify corresponding random
- Test for Heterogeneity
This printed output section shows results of Cochran’s Q-test, which
is used to test the null hypothesis that all animal studies have the
same/equal effect. p-val
< 0.05 means that effect sizes
derived from the animal studies are heterogeneous. In other words,
substantial heterogeneity exists in this animal dataset.
- Model Results
is the estimate of the overall/pooled effect
(i.e., grand mean or meta-analytic mean; \(\beta_{0}\) in Equation 2). se
is the standard error of the estimate: as in our example, it is
(SE[\(\beta_{0}\)]. tval
is the value of test statistic (in our case: t-value).
and ci.Ub
are lower and upper boundary
of confidence intervals (CI).
2.4 Handle non-independence to avoid the distortion of significance test and spurious conclusions
As mentioned in the main text, the traditional statistical models
used in animal data meta-analyses often fail to handle statistical
non-independence, inflating type I error, distorting significance test
results and leading to spurious conclusions. This worked example exactly
shows this point. As in a random-effects meta-analysis, the first aim of
a multilevel meta-analysis is often to estimate the overall effect
across all animal studies (overall mean or pooled effect size; \(\beta_{0}\) in Equation 2). Under
Model Results
, we can find the estimates we need for this
aim: the magnitude of the overall effect (\(\beta_{0}\)), its standard error (SE[\(\beta_{0}\)]), corresponding two-tailed
p-value, and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Our multilevel model
revealed that animals exposed to SSRIs did not have a significantly less
efficient sensory processing than those exposed to vehicle (\(\beta_{0}\) = -0.389, 95% CIs = [-0.803 to
0.025], p-value = 0.064).
[1] 78.99342
intrcpt 0.7807764
Conflicting results between the multilevel model and
random-effect model
When comparing the results of our 3-level model with Ramsteijn et al. (2020)’s original results, we found that
the conclusions of our 3-level model conflict with those reached by
Ramsteijn et al. (2020)
(who used a simple random-effects model). Ramsteijn et al. (2020)’s analysis (page 62) indicates
that SSRI exposure has a statistically significant negative effect on
sensory processing in animals (our re-analysis when using a
random-effects model also suggested this point).
However, the multilevel model suggests that the
SSRI-effect is actually statistically non-significant when accounting
for data non-independence (Table S3).
Table S3
Results of the random-effects and 3-level meta-analytic models.
We note that the magnitude of the overall effect (pooled effect size: \(\beta_{0}\) = -0.389) in the multilevel model is very close to that in the random-effect model (\(\beta_{0}\) = -0.387). But the multilevel model indicates that the overall effect (pooled effect size: \(\beta_{0}\)) is not statistically significant, while the random-effects model indicates the overall effect (pooled effect size: \(\beta_{0}\)) is statistically significant. This clearly shows that using the random-effects model to fit non-independent effect sizes underestimates the standard error of model coefficient (SE[\(\beta_{0}\)]) and distorts corresponding statistical inference (e.g., inflated p-value): SE[\(\beta_{0}\)] = 0.195 in the multilevel model vs. SE[\(\beta_{0}\)] = 0.182 in the random-effects model; p-value = 0.064 in the multilevel model vs. p-value = 0.049 in the random-effect model. Accordingly, the width of 95% CIs in the multilevel model is wider than that in the random-effects model: = [-0.803 to 0.025] in the multilevel model vs. [-0.772 to 0.025] in the random-effects model.
Section 3 – Partition heterogeneity among effect sizes using the multilevel model
3.1 Calculate multilevel version of I2 statistic and variance components
As in the traditional meta-analytic models (i.e., fixed- and random-effects models), the multilevel model also can measure the degree of inconsistency among effect sizes (i.e., the amount of heterogeneity). The hierarchical nature of the multilevel model means that animal meta-analysis can benefit from decomposing heterogeneity across levels, e.g., within- and between-study heterogeneity (more complex heterogeneity source: species-specific heterogeneity; see our second worked example in Section 6). However, the random-effects model can only quantify between-study heterogeneity, which makes within-study heterogeneity mistakenly perceived as between-study heterogeneity (i.e., confounding source of heterogeneity). Below, we use Ramsteijn et al. (2020)’s data to show how to partition multiple sources of heterogeneity using the multilevel version of \(I^2\) statistic and variance components (\(\sigma^2\)), such that we can avoid confounded heterogeneity estimates.
The following formulas can be used to calculate the multilevel version of \(I^2\) statistic (Equations 4 to 6 in the main text):
\[ I^2_{between}=\frac{\sigma_{between}^2} {Var[ES_{i}]}=\frac{\sigma_{between}^2} {\sigma_{total}^2+\sigma_{sampling}^2}, (4) \]
\[ I^2_{within}=\frac{\sigma_{total}^2} {Var[ES_{i}]}=\frac{\sigma_{total}^2} {\sigma_{total}^2+\sigma_{sampling}^2}, (5) \]
\[ I^2_{total}=\frac{\sigma_{within}^2} {Var[ES_{i}]}=\frac{\sigma_{within}^2} {\sigma_{total}^2+\sigma_{sampling}^2}, (6) \]
\(\sigma_{between}^2\) and \(\sigma_{within}^2\) are the variance
components corresponding to between- and within-study level
random-effects in the multilevel model (specified by the syntax
random = list(~ 1 | Study_ID, ~ 1 | Obs_ID)
). The value of each level of \(\sigma^2\) can be found at the
Variance Components. \(\sigma_{total}^2\) is the total variance,
whose value equals to the sum of \(\sigma_{between}^2\) and \(\sigma_{within}^2\). \(\sigma_{sampling}^2\) is a “typical”
sampling-error variance, which can be calculated as:
\sigma_{sampling}^2=\frac{(k-1)\sum_{i=1}^{k} 1/\nu_{i}}
{(\sum_{i=1}^{k} 1/\nu_{i})^2-\sum_{i=1}^{k} 1/\nu_{i}^2}, (7)
In reality, we do not need to calculate multilevel versions of \(I^2\) statistic manually.
function in orchaRd
package (Nakagawa et al. (2021)) is very convenient and
user-friendly for decomposing \(I^2\)
statistic across levels. We can calculate multilevel version of \(I^2\) statistic using i2_ml()
function in one line code:
Then, \(I^2\) statistics corresponding to each level (including \(I^2_{total}\)) are provided as:
I2_Total I2_Study_ID I2_Obs_ID
76.37792 27.17122 49.20670
3.2 Handle multiple sources of heterogeneity to avoid confounded heterogeneity
As shown above, the i2_ml()
will calculate \(I^2\) statistic for each random-effects
corresponding to each variance component. Table S3 above shows the
distinctions between the random-effects model and multilevel model in
terms of heterogeneity. We can see that between-study variance (\(\tau^2\)) and heterogeneity (\(I^2_{between}\)) in the random-effects
model are overestimated. The two values in the 3-level model are almost
half of those in the random-effects model. This is because the
random-effects model incorrectly allocates within-study variance (\(\sigma^2_{within}\)) and heterogeneity
(\(I^2_{within}\)) to between-study
variance (\(\sigma^2_{betwween}\)) and
heterogeneity (\(I^2_{between}\)). You
can easily corroborate this point by comparing the between-study
variance (\(\tau^2\)) and heterogeneity
(\(I^2_{between}\)) in the
random-effects model with the total variance (\(\sigma^2_{total}\)) and heterogeneity
(\(I^2_{total}\)) in the 3-level model
(i.e. the sum of these values in within- and between-study level). This
means that using the random-effects model to fit this dataset leads to a
wrong conclusion that the study level has a high amount of heterogeneity
(\(I^2_{between}\) = 69.38%). However,
the study level only explains 27.17% of the total heterogeneity. The
remaining 49.21% of the total heterogeneity is due to the within-study
level (effect-size/observational level).
3.3 Compute prediction intervals
We recommend researchers to use a complementary statistic index to
quantify heterogeneity - prediction interval (PI), which is defined as
the estimate of an interval (a plausible value range) wherein the future
measurements (i.e., new effect sizes) would fall when no sampling errors
exist. This can be calculated as (see Equation 8 in the main text for
notation explanation):
\text{95%PI} = \beta_{0} \pm t_{0.975} \sqrt{\sigma^2_{total}+
\text{SE}[\beta_{0}^2]}, (8)
\] All the required elements for the calculation of 95% PIs can
be found in the outputs of the rma.mv()
(see 2.3
Interpretations of a multilevel meta-analytic model). You can
also use an existing function - predict()
to obtain 95% PIs
for the overall effect (pooled effect size):
The corresponding output looks like:
pred se ci.lb ci.ub pi.lb pi.ub
-0.3887 0.1953 -0.8026 0.0253 -1.8064 1.0290
We can see that 95% PIs of the overall effect of SSRI are [-1.81,1.03], which means 95% of new trials regarding the perinatal SSRI exposure will have an effect size (i.e., SMD) in the range of [-1.81,1.03] over different experimental contexts (across different types of SSRI, animal species, sex and ages).
Section 4 – Fit multilevel meta-regressions to explain heterogeneity and estimate moderator effects
4.1 Concepts and rationale
A large \(I^2_{total}\) = 76.38% in
Ramsteijn et al. (2020)’s dataset indicates that it is
desirable to explain (at least part of) this heterogeneity using
variables extracted from primary studies as moderator variables (also
known as predictors). In other words, examining how different
study-level characteristics (variables/factors) modulate the magnitude
of the effect of SSRI exposure. Ramsteijn et al.
(2020) used the subgroup analysis to
explain the heterogeneity in the effect sizes. Here, we recommend using
a multilevel meta-regression model to explain the heterogeneity and
examine the moderator effects:
ES_{[i]} = \beta_{0}' + \beta_{1}x_{between[j]} + \mu_{between[j]} +
\mu_{within[i]} + e_{[i]}, (8)\\ \mu_{between[j]} \sim
N(0,\sigma_{between}^2)\\ \mu_{within[i]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{within}^2)\\
e_{[i]} \sim N(0,\nu_{[i]})
\] As we demonstrated in the main text, a subgroup analysis is
equivalent to a meta-regression model if using a dummy-coding strategy
to deal with categorical predictors (note that in the context of a
meta-analysis, we usually call a predictor as a moderator). In the main
text, we used an example to show how to dummy-code categorical
moderators for a multilevel meta-regression. The rationale of
dummy-coding strategy is to (1) create dummy-coded variables for a
categorical moderator to represent different levels, (2) leave one of
the dummy variables out of the regression model and set its level as the
“reference” level (see details in the main text). Other than creating
the dummy-coded variables by hand, we prefer to let R
dummy-code categorical moderator variables automatically.
4.2 Construct a multilevel meta-regression model
A multilevel regression model (e.g., Equation 8) can be fitted using
function. The mods
argument in
is used to specify the categorical moderators
(also the continuous moderators). The syntax for mods
is as
follows: starting with a tilde ~
(a general requirement of
a formula in R
), followed by the name of the moderator
(e.g., mods = ~ moderator1
In this worked example, Ramsteijn et al. (2020) examined whether the effects of SSRI exposure differ depending on sex (male, female, or both). This categorical moderator is labelled as the column Sex column in the dataset. A 3-level meta-regression model with Sex as a moderator variable can be fitted using the follow code:
mod_multilevel_reg_sex_SMD <- rma.mv(yi = SMD, V = SMDV, random = list(~1 | Study_ID, ~1 | Obs_ID), mods = ~ Sex, # the name of the tested moderator; this can be replaced by other moderators of interests; test = "t", method = "REML", data = dat_sensory2)
See Interpretations of a multilevel meta-regression model below for a comprehensive interpretation of the outputs for the above fitted meta-regression model.
4.3 Interpretations of a multilevel meta-regression model
We can use orchard_plot()
to make an orchard plot to
visualise the results of a multilevel meta-regression model. Figure S4
shows that neither Male, Female, nor Both
have a statistically significant moderating effect (their CI
Figure S4
Orchard plot (forest-like plot) showing the mediated effect of sex in
the analysis of SSRI exposure on animal sensory processing (data from
Ramsteijn et al. (2020)). You can use help(orchard_plot)
to look at the corresponding arguments and add more code to make it more
elegant (Nakagawa et al. (2021)).
Using rma.mv()
to fit a multilevel
meta-regression model will yield the following output:
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 17; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-15.9626 31.9253 41.9253 45.1206 49.4253
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.5488 0.7408 12 no Study_ID
sigma^2.2 0.0275 0.1657 17 no Obs_ID
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 14) = 49.0716, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficients 2:3):
F(df1 = 2, df2 = 14) = 2.2580, p-val = 0.1413
Model Results:
estimate se tval df pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
intrcpt -0.7107 0.4069 -1.7465 14 0.1026 -1.5835 0.1621
Sexfemale 0.8267 0.5356 1.5435 14 0.1450 -0.3220 1.9753
Sexmale 0.1044 0.5424 0.1924 14 0.8502 -1.0591 1.2678
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Next, let’s go through the parts of this printed output one by one.
- Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model
The interpretations of the results under Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model are same as those in the section of Interpretations of a multilevel meta-analytic model.
- Variance Components
The interpretations of the results under Variance Components are same as those in the section of Interpretations of a multilevel meta-analytic model.
- Test for Residual Heterogeneity
Results under Test for Residual Heterogeneity are
similar to Test for Heterogeneity in the section
Interpretations of a multilevel meta-analytic model.
But the two are not exactly the same. QE
is the test
statistic used to test whether the amount of “residual heterogeneity”
among the effect sizes is substantial. “Residual heterogeneity” means
the amount of heterogeneity that is not explained by the moderator of
sex added in the meta-regression model. From the results, we can see
that the inclusion of sex as a moderator only can account for very
little of heterogeneity (Q
is reduced from 52.2611 to
49.0716). p-val
< 0.0001 indicates that residual
heterogeneity still remains statistically significant.
- Test of Moderators (coefficients 2:3)
Results under Test of Moderators present the omnibus
test of all model coefficients. coefficients 2:3()
that an omnibus test of coefficients 2 to 3 is conducted to test the
null hypothesis of \(H0:\beta_{1}=\beta_{2}=0\) (note that the
moderator Sex has three levels [male, female or both], so this fitted
meta-regression has three model coefficients). By default, the first
coefficient (the intercept, which is denoted as \(\beta_{0}\) in Equation 8) is excluded when
fitting the meta-regression model. The first coefficient (the intercept)
can be included in the meta-regression model intentionally (see below
for details), then the omnibus test will include three coefficients
(including the first coefficient - intercept); the corresponding null
hypothesis will be \(H0:\beta_{0}=\beta_{1}=\beta_{2}=0\).
F(df1 = 2, df2 = 14)
= 2.2580 and p-val
0.1413 indicate that the null hypothesis is rejected (the test of \(H0:\beta_{1}=\beta_{2}=0\) is not
significant). In other words, there is no significant difference between
different subgroups of Sex (i.e., male, female or
both) or the Sex as a whole does not impact the average effect
of SSRI exposure (i.e., sex of animals can not explain any heterogeneity
in effect sizes).
- Model Results
Results under Model Results report the estimates of
all model coefficients and their significance tests. The moderator Sex
has three levels: male, female or both. By default, R
alphabetize the dummy-coded variable (in this case, Sex). The
subgroup of both is set as the “reference” level and left out
the model (because the letter “b” [both] comes before “f”
[female] and “m” [male]). So the intercept (\(\beta_{0}\); intrcpt
) is the
pooled \(SMD\) for the subgroup of
both (\(\text{SMD}_{both}\) =
-0.7107, \(\text{95%CI}\) = [-1.5835,
0.1621], \(p-value\) = 0.1026). The
other two coefficients represent how much higher the pooled \(SMD\) is for the subgroups of
female (\(\beta_{1}\)) and
“male” (\(\beta_{2}\)), respectively,
compared to the “reference” level (subgroup of both -
intercept, \(\beta_{0}\)). We can
obtain the pooled \(SMD\) for the
subgroups of female (\(\beta_{1}\)) and male (\(\beta_{2}\)) by adding their
to the estimate
of the “reference”
level (i.e., intrcpt
). Therefore, the pooled \(SMD\) for female and male
are 0.116 (\(\beta_{0} + \beta_{1}\) =
-0.7107 + 0.8267) and -0.6063 (\(\beta_{0} +
\beta_{2}\) = -0.7107 + 0.1044). The corresponding \(p-value\) (pval
) and \(\text{95%CI}\) (ci.lb
) indicate that neither subgroup has a significant
influence on the SSRI effect (the results of Test of
Moderators also confirm this result: F(df1 = 2, df2 =
= 2.2580 and p-val
= 0.1413 indicates that we
can reject the null hypothesis \(H0:\beta_{1}=\beta_{2}=0\)).
By using a different syntax strategy, we can directly obtain the
pooled \(SMD\) for each subgroup. To
achieve this, we need to add -1
at the end of mods =
~ Sex
(i.e., mods = ~ Sex -1
). -1
that the intercept (\(\beta_{0}\)) will
be removed from the meta-regression model. The whole code is now:
rma.mv(yi = SMD, V = SMDV, random = list(~1 | Study_ID, ~1 | Obs_ID), mods = ~ Sex -1, # remove the intercept from the meta-regression; test = "t", method = "REML", data = dat_sensory2)
The results of meta-regression after removing the intercept
(using -1
with the moderator parameter):
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 17; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-15.9626 31.9253 41.9253 45.1206 49.4253
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.5488 0.7408 12 no Study_ID
sigma^2.2 0.0275 0.1657 17 no Obs_ID
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 14) = 49.0716, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficients 1:3):
F(df1 = 3, df2 = 14) = 2.4084, p-val = 0.1106
Model Results:
estimate se tval df pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
Sexboth -0.7107 0.4069 -1.7465 14 0.1026 -1.5835 0.1621
Sexfemale 0.1160 0.3482 0.3330 14 0.7441 -0.6309 0.8628
Sexmale -0.6063 0.3587 -1.6904 14 0.1131 -1.3757 0.1630
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Now, under Test of Moderators (coefficients 1:3):,
coefficients 1:3
indicates that null hypothesis \(H0:\beta_{0}=\beta_{1}=\beta_{2}=0\) is
tested. The results still show that the null hypothesis \(H0:\beta_{0}=\beta_{1}=\beta_{2}=0\) is
rejected: F(df1 = 3, df2 = 14)
= 2.4084 and
= 0.1106. Results under Model
Results: show the pooled pooled \(SMD\) for each subgroup, whose values
) are exactly the same with those calculated by
“adding two estimates” (see above).
4.4 Calculate the goodness-of-fit index
For a multilevel meta-regression model, the goodness-of-fit index \(R^2\) is also applicable for quantifying the percentage of variance explained by the included moderator variables (Aloe et al. (2010)). Nakagawa and Schielzeth (2013) propose to use a general form of \(R^2\) - marginal \(R^2\), which can be calculated as:
\[ R^2_{marginal}=\frac{\sigma_{fixed}^2} {\sigma_{total}^2}=\frac{\sigma_{fixed}^2} {\sigma_{fixed}^2+\sigma_{b}^2+\sigma_{w}^2}, (10) \]
You can easily calculate \(R^2_{marginal}\) via the function
in our R package orchaRd
The first column of the output (R2_marginal
) shows that
animal sex can explain 21.3% of the variation.
R2_marginal R2_conditional
0.2130917 0.9624983
Section 5 – Test publication bias
As mentioned in the main text, the common methods for testing publication bias will be invalid if effect sizes are statistically dependent. Therefore, funnel plots, conventional Egger’s regression and trim-and-fill tests are often not suitable to test publication bias for animal data meta-analyses. In this section, we showcase how to properly test two forms of publication bias in the framework of multilevel meta-regression: small-study effect and decline effect.
5.1 Construct an extended Egger’s regression to test the small-study effect
The first form publication bias is the small-study effect, which
occurs when small studies (with small sample sizes) tend to report large
effect sizes. An extended Egger’s regression is equivalent to a
multilevel meta-regression with sampling error (\(se_{[i]}=\sqrt{\nu_{[i]}}\)) as a
continuous moderator variable. Accordingly, it can be fitted via
specifying mods = ~ SMDSE
rma.mv(yi = SMD, V = SMDV, random = list(~1 | Study_ID, ~1 | Obs_ID), mods = ~ SMDSE, # sampling error (squart root of sampling variance SMDV); test = "t", method = "REML", data = dat_sensory2)
See Interpretations of the small-study effect test below for how to interpret extended Egger’s regression’s results.
5.2 Interpretations of the small-study effect test
The printed output of a typical extended Egger’s regression model looks like this:
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 17; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-16.8403 33.6805 41.6805 44.5127 45.6805
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.2730 0.5225 12 no Study_ID
sigma^2.2 0.1505 0.3879 17 no Obs_ID
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 15) = 51.2431, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficient 2):
F(df1 = 1, df2 = 15) = 2.5477, p-val = 0.1313
Model Results:
estimate se tval df pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
intrcpt 0.7127 0.7201 0.9897 15 0.3380 -0.8222 2.2476
SMDSE -2.8426 1.7809 -1.5962 15 0.1313 -6.6385 0.9533
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Under Model Results, we can see that the regression
slope of the extended Egger’s regression is sqrt(SMDSE)
-2.8426, which is not statistically different from zero
= -1.5962 and p-val
= 0.1313). This
means smaller studies (with larger sampling error [\(se_{[i]}=\sqrt{\nu_{[i]}}\)]) do not have
larger effect sizes (Figure S5), i.e. no small-study effect exists in
this dataset. The non-significant slope sqrt(SMDSE)
-2.8426 also indicates that data is symmetrically distributed in the
funnel plot (Figure S6).
Figure S5
A bubble plot showing the relationship between effect size estimates
(SMD) and their sampling error (SE) can be used to detect the
small-study effect (funnel plot asymmetry). This bubble plot can be made
using bubble_plot()
function in orchaRd
package (Nakagawa et al. (2021)).
Figure S6
Visual inspection of the funnel plot to identify the small-study
The interpretations of other outputs of the extended Egger’s regression model are the same to those in a multilevel meta-regression, including:
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model
Variance Components
Test for Residual Heterogeneity
Test of Moderators
Model Results
You can refer to Interpretations of a multilevel meta-analytic model in Step 3 for thorough descriptions of interpretations.
Of note, when using SMD as an effect size metric, using Egger’s test to identify small-study effect may produce false-positive results. If you have a look at the formula used to compute SMD’s SE (which can be found elsewhere), you may realise that SMD is artifactually correlated with its SE , meaning that SMD’s SE is dependent on SMD. Nakagawa et al. (2022) propose to use an adapted SE when using Egger’s regression to test the small-study effect on SMD. The adapted SE is based on the effective sample size:
\[ \sqrt{\frac {1} { \tilde{N} }} = \sqrt{\frac {1} { N_\text{T}} + \frac{1}{N_\text{C}}}, \]
Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity analysis using
this adapted SE to check the robustness of small-study test. This can be
easily done by replacing SE with the adapted SE in the extended Egger’s
regression model. Under Model Results (see below). We
can see that the slope of the adapted SE sqrt(SMDSE_C)
-1.2521 still shows non-significant (t_value
= -0.6042 and
= 0.5548), which indicates the robustness of the
small-study test.
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 17; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-17.8446 35.6892 43.6892 46.5214 47.6892
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.2387 0.4885 12 no Study_ID
sigma^2.2 0.2293 0.4789 17 no Obs_ID
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 15) = 52.2585, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficient 2):
F(df1 = 1, df2 = 15) = 0.3650, p-val = 0.5548
Model Results:
estimate se tval df pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
intrcpt 0.0728 0.7986 0.0912 15 0.9285 -1.6293 1.7750
SMDSE_c -1.2521 2.0724 -0.6042 15 0.5548 -5.6693 3.1651
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
5.3 Construct a multilevel regression model to test the time-lag bias
Time-lag bias occurs when statistically significant (“positive” results) tend to be published earlier than those with statistically non-significant findings (“negative” results), leading to a decline in reported effect sizes over time (i.e., a decline effect).
Time-lag bias has a very important implications, for example, the instability of the cumulative evidence of a given field poses a threat to policy-making and (pre)clinical decision-making. However, this form of publication bias has been rarely tested in the practice of animal data meta-analyses. The test for time-lag bias is very straightforward. You only need to add the publication year of the effect size as a continuous moderator variable in a multilevel meta-regression model (equivalent to replacing sampling error (\(se_{[i]}=\sqrt{\nu_{[i]}}\)) by publication year):
rma.mv(yi = SMD, V = SMDV, random = list(~1 | Study_ID, ~1 | Obs_ID), mods = ~ pub_year, # publication year of the effect sizes (in this case, SMD); test = "t", method = "REML", data = dat_sensory2)
See Interpretations of the time-lag bias test below for how to interpret time-lag bias test’s results.
5.4 Interpretations of the time-lag bias test
The printed output of a typical time-lag bias test looks like this:
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 17; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-17.9355 35.8711 43.8711 46.7033 47.8711
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.2666 0.5163 12 no Study_ID
sigma^2.2 0.2168 0.4656 17 no Obs_ID
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 15) = 51.9927, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficient 2):
F(df1 = 1, df2 = 15) = 0.0002, p-val = 0.9898
Model Results:
estimate se tval df pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
intrcpt -1.9368 119.1649 -0.0163 15 0.9872 -255.9309 252.0573
pub_year 0.0008 0.0592 0.0130 15 0.9898 -0.1254 0.1269
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Similarly to the decline effect test, under Model
Results, we can see that the regression slope is
= 0.0008, which is very small and not
statistically different from zero (t_value
= 0.0130 and
= 0.9898). This means studies with statistically
significant findings do not tend to be published earlier than these with
“negative” results, i.e. no time-lag bias exists in this dataset. Figure
S7 clearly shows that the estimates of SMD remain roughly consistent
across different publication years.
Figure S7
A bubble plot showing the relationship between effect size estimates
(SMD) and their publication year can be used to detect the time-lag bias
(aka decline effect). This bubble plot can be made using
function in orchaRd
(Nakagawa et al. (2021)).
The interpretations of other outputs of the extended Egger’s regression model are the same as in a multilevel meta-regression, including (1) Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model; (2) Variance Components; (3) Test for Residual Heterogeneity; (4) Test of Moderators; (5) Model Results. You can refer to Interpretations of a multilevel meta-analytic model section in Step 3 for thorough descriptions of these interpretations.
Section 6 – Animal meta-analysis using emerging effect sizes
There are three underappreciated standardized effect sizes in the practice of animal data meta-analyses:
- lnRR
The log-transformed response ratio, which uses the natural logarithm of the ratio of means between two groups to quantify the mean difference or average treatment effect.
- lnVR
The log-transformed variability ratio, which can quantify the difference in variance (standard deviation) around the mean between two groups and estimate inter-individual variability between two groups (heterogeneity of a treatment effect).
- lnCVR
The log-transformed coefficient of variation ratio, which is a mean-adjusted version of lnVR. In contrast to lnVR, lnCVR controls for the indirect impact of mean on its variability (i.e., accounting for the mean-variance relationship).
In our main text, we elaborate on the formulas, statistical merits and (neuro)biological meaning of these underutilised effect sizes in the context of animal data meta-analysis. Here we show how to calculate these effect sizes and their sampling variances and how to conduct a meta-analysis on them.
6.1 Meta-analysis of mean (lnRR)
lnRR and corresponding sampling variance can be computed via
function. Positive values of lnRR indicate that the
perinatal SSRI exposure has a positive effect on offspring’s sensory
processing function. The R
syntax is similar to the
calculation of SMD shown in Section 1:
lnRR <- escalc(measure = "ROM", # "ROM" means the ratio of mean differences (log scale) - lnRR; m1i = SSRI_Mean, # mean of treatment group (SSRI); m2i = Vehicle_Mean, # mean of control group (Vehicle); sd1i = SSRI_SD, # standard deviation of treatment group; sd2i = Vehicle_SD, # standard deviation of control group; n1i = SSRI_Nadj, # sample size of treatment group; n2i = Vehicle_Nadj, # sample size of control group; data = dat_sensory, # dataset of our work example; append = FALSE)
We can use rma.mv()
to fit a 3-level meta-analytic model
with lnRR as an effect size:
mod_multilevel_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi = lnRR, # lnRR is specified as the effect size measure; V = lnRRV, # sampling variance of lnRR; random = list(~1 | Study_ID, # a random effect (clustering variable) that makes the true effect sizes vary across studies (variation between studies); ~1 | Obs_ID), # a random effect that makes the true effect sizes vary within studies (variation within studies); test = "t", method = "REML", data = dat_sensory2)
Let’s have a look at the model results:
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 16; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-0.4500 0.9001 6.9001 9.0242 9.0819
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.0271 0.1646 11 no Study_ID
sigma^2.2 0.0098 0.0989 16 no Obs_ID
Test for Heterogeneity:
Q(df = 15) = 74.9774, p-val < .0001
Model Results:
estimate se tval df pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
-0.1060 0.0667 -1.5902 15 0.1326 -0.2481 0.0361
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Under Model Results
we can see that the pooled lnRR is
not statistically significant (\(\beta_{0}\) = -0.106, 95% CIs = [0.248 to
0.036], p-value
= 0.133), which aligns with the model
estimate for SMD effect sizes. By definition of lnRR, the \(\beta_{0}\) = -0.106 shows the
multiplicative effects (log scale mean ratio), which is different from
the additive effects of SMD. Therefore, it is easy to ease the
interpretation of lnRR by back-transforming it to the original scale of
mean ratio: exp(-0.106) - 1
= -0.10. This number means that
the SSRI exposure can reduce the sensory function by 10%, albeit it is
not a statistically significant effect.
We contend that it is a good practice to report both additive effects using SMD and multiplicative effects using lnRR when conducting animal meta-analysis of mean. Moreover, the dual use of these two types of effect size can serve as a sensitivity analysis, which can be used to examine the robustness of the meta-analytic evidence.
6.2 Meta-analysis of variation (lnVR and lnCVR)
The calculation of the variance-based effect sizes (lnVR and lnCVR)
is also already implemented in the escal()
Positive values of lnVR or lnCVR indicate that the perinatal SSRI
exposure increases the inter-individual variability differences in
offspring’s sensory function. You may wonder which one to use when
quantifying the variance effect. Basically, it depends on your
biological questions (Nakagawa et al. (2015)). But
there is a general rule you can follow. When there is a mean-variance
relationship, namely a larger mean has a larger variance, lnCVR is
preferred over lnVR. This is because lnCVR represents mean-adjusted
variance effect (relative variance), while lnVR is a solely dependent on
variance effect (absolute variance). In Ramsteijn
et al. (2020)’s dataset, there is a clear
mean-variance effect both in SSRI exposure group and vehicle group.
Therefore, we would choose to calculate lnCVR and its sampling
lnVR <- escalc(measure = "CVR", # "CVR" means the variation coefficient ratio (log scale); lnVR can be specified as measure = "VR"; m1i = SSRI_Mean, # mean of treatment group (SSRI); m2i = Vehicle_Mean, # mean of control group (Vehicle); sd1i = SSRI_SD, # standard deviation of treatment group; sd2i = Vehicle_SD, # standard deviation of control group; n1i = SSRI_Nadj, # sample size of treatment group; n2i = Vehicle_Nadj, # sample size of control group; data = dat_sensory, # dataset of our work example; append = FALSE)
Let’s use rma.mv()
to fit a 3-level meta-analytic model
to lnCVR:
mod_multilevel_lnCVR <- rma.mv(yi = lnRR, # lnCVR is specified as the effect size measure; V = lnRRV, # sampling variance of lnCVR; random = list(~1 | Study_ID, # a random effect (clustering variable) that makes the true effect sizes vary across studies (variation between studies); ~1 | Obs_ID), # a random effect that makes the true effect sizes vary within studies (variation within studies); test = "t", method = "REML", data = dat_sensory2)
Meta-analysis of variation shows that SSRI exposure can increases the inter-individual variability in sensory function (pooled lnCVR: \(\beta_{0}\) = 0.16, 95% CIs = [-0.159 to 0.478], p-value = 0.298). This means SSRI exposure only affects some animals (individual-specific effect) and further research on the sources of variability is warranted.
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 14; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-11.2920 22.5841 28.5841 30.2789 31.2507
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.0000 0.0000 10 no Study_ID
sigma^2.2 0.1900 0.4359 14 no Obs_ID
Test for Heterogeneity:
Q(df = 13) = 38.4475, p-val = 0.0002
Model Results:
estimate se tval df pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
0.1599 0.1475 1.0845 13 0.2979 -0.1587 0.4786
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Section 7– Select an appropriate random-effect structure
In this section, we use a more complex animal dataset to show how to select an appropriate random-effect structure, and therefore, to account for various types of non-independence and heterogeneity at different levels. This dataset comes from Lagisz et al. (2020), which examined cognition bias across 22 animal species using 71 studies with 459 effect sizes.
7.1 Concepts and rationale
When specifying a multilevel meta-analytic model, a practical question to consider is which study-level variables to use as random effects. You may wonder what is a ‘random effect’? There are many formal definitions (Andrew Gelman has a nice blog on it). Here, we give a non-statistical definition in the context of a meta-analysis: a study-level variable being a random-effect means that it varies across different intervention types, doses, and species. When a study-level variable in a meta-analytic model is modeled as being a random-effect, we believe that it has a random effect on the overall mean and contributes noise (variation) to the overall mean. For example, including animal strains/species as a random-effect will allow us to estimate how much variance exists among strains/species. In contrast, when treating strains/species as a fixed-effect, we believe that strains/species levels are identical across different studies and have a systematic effect on the mean (e.g., we ask question like: do one species responds more to an intervention than others?). A general rule of thumb for choosing random-effect factor is that it should contain at least five levels, so that we can properly estimate variance (Bolker et al. (2009)).
7.2 Choose a random-effect structure based on AIC
Theoretically, any cluster/group variable having more than five levels can be a random-effect candidate. Should we then include every cluster/group variable with more than five levels as a random-effect in a multilevel model? The answer is NO! For a good random-effect candidate, you first need to think about whether it is a potentially true sources of heterogeneity based on your biological expertise. Then you need to investigate whether this random-effect candidate improves the quality of the multilevel model. In this respect, you need to resort to information-theoretic approaches alongside likelihood methods (likelihood ratio tests). Here, we use Lagisz et al. (2020)’s dataset to show how to decide the best random-effects structure from the view of Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) criteria.
This can be easily done by:
- specifying the argument
function with different random-effects structures;
- specifying the argument
- using
to provide a full versus reduced model comparison in terms of model fit statistics and a likelihood ratio test (log-likelihood, deviance, AIC, BIC, and AICc).
- using
Table S4
Load data of Lagisz et al. (2020).
Lagisz et al. (2020)’s dataset has three random-effects candidates:
Effect size identity (EffectID) - unique ID for each pairwise comparison used to calculate effect sizes; modelling it as a random-effect means to allow true effect sizes to vary within studies, such that the model can estimate with-study (effect size) level variance (\(\sigma_{within}^2\)) and partition with-study (effect size) level heterogeneity (\(I^2_{within}\)).
Study identity (ArticleID) - unique ID for each extracted original experimental paper; modelling it as a random-effect means to allow true effect sizes to vary across studies, such that the model can estimate between-study level variance (\(\sigma_{between}^2\)) and partition between-study level heterogeneity (\(I^2_{between}\)).
Species identity (Species_Latin) - Latin name of an animal species used in the experiment; modelling it as a random-effect means to allow true effect sizes to vary across species, such that the model can estimate species level variance (\(\sigma_{species}^2\)) and partition species level heterogeneity (\(I^2_{species}\)).
Let’s fit a null model without any random-effects candidates as the default reduced model:
meta.null <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, data = dat_cognition, method = 'ML') # note that when using AIC criteria, maximum likelihood (ML) rather than restricted maximum likelihood (REML) is preferred (for reasons see @anderson2008model)
Use the argument ramdom
to specify EffectID as a
random-effects term to account for within-study variation (\(\sigma_{within}^2\)):
meta.effectID <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, random = ~ 1 | EffectID, # the random effect EffectID allows effect sizes vary within studies; data = dat_cognition, method = 'ML')
Examine whether EffectID improves model quality via
anova.rma(meta.effectID, meta.null)
This will provide full (model with EffectID as a random-effects term) versus reduced model (null model without any random-effects term) comparison in terms of model fit statistics and a likelihood ratio test (log-likelihood, deviance, AIC, BIC, and AICc values):
df AIC BIC AICc logLik LRT pval QE
Full 2 1182.1894 1190.4475 1182.2157 -589.0947 1465.2543
Reduced 1 1566.3076 1570.4367 1566.3164 -782.1538 386.1182 <.0001 1465.2543
Full NA
Reduced NA
We can see that adding EffectID as a random-effects term
(meta.effectID; Full
) results in a much
lower AIC value (1182.1894) compared with the null model (meta.null;
). The log-likelihood ratio test shows that adding
EffectID as a random-effects term can significantly improve the
model fit (LRT
= 386.1182, pval
= <
Let’s examine the importance of ArticleID using the same procedure. Specify ArticleID as a random-effects term to account between-study variation (\(\sigma_{between}^2\)):
meta.studyID <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, random = ~ 1 | ArticleID, # the random effect ArticleID allows effect sizes vary between studies; data = dat_cognition, method = 'ML')
Examine whether ArticleID improves model quality via
anova.rma(meta.meta.studyID, meta.null)
df AIC BIC AICc logLik LRT pval QE
Full 2 1353.8067 1362.0648 1353.8330 -674.9034 1465.2543
Reduced 1 1566.3076 1570.4367 1566.3164 -782.1538 214.5009 <.0001 1465.2543
Full NA
Reduced NA
The value of AIC and log-likelihood ratio test show that adding
ArticleID as a random-effects term can significantly improve
the model fit (LRT
= 214.5009, pval
= <
Let’s incorporate both ArticleID and EffectID as the random-effects terms:
meta.study.effectID <- rma.mv(yi = d,
V = Vd,
random = list(~ 1 | ArticleID, ~ 1 | EffectID), # a nested random-effects structure (multiple effect sizes nested within studies) is defined to non-independence due to clustering; An alternative syntax is: random = ~ 1 | ArticleID/EffectID
data = dat_cognition,
method = 'ML')
By comparing meta.study.effectID and meta.studyID, we can investigate whether model with both ArticleID and EffectID as the random-effect terms (which defines the nested random-effects structure) is “better” than that with only ArticleID as the random-effects term:
df AIC BIC AICc logLik LRT pval QE
Full 3 1149.5653 1161.9525 1149.6181 -571.7827 1465.2543
Reduced 2 1353.8067 1362.0648 1353.8330 -674.9034 206.2414 <.0001 1465.2543
Full NA
Reduced NA
The above fit statistics and information criteria corroborate our claim in the main text: multilevel model should incorporate effect size identity and study identity as the default random-effects structure when performing an animal meta-analysis.
Next, lets’ explore whether animal species identity is an important
random-effects term. First add Species_Latin as a
random-effects term to meta.study.effectID via argument
meta.species.study.effectID <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, random = list(~ 1 | Species_Latin, ~ 1 | ArticleID, ~ 1 | EffectID), # the random effect *Species_Latin* allows effect sizes vary between species; data = dat_cognition, method = 'ML', sparse = TRUE)
Then compare it to meta.study.effectID using
df AIC BIC AICc logLik LRT pval QE
Full 4 1151.5653 1168.0815 1151.6535 -571.7827 1465.2543
Reduced 3 1149.5653 1161.9525 1149.6181 -571.7827 0.0000 1.0000 1465.2543
Full NA
Reduced NA
We can see that adding animal species identity as a random-effects
term does not contribute more information to the multilevel model: AIC
in meta.species.study.effectID (1151.5653;
) is larger than that in
meta.study.effectID (1149.5653; full
This indicates that generally cognition bias is consistent across animal
species (i.e., only a small amount of heterogeneity exists between
species). We can confirm this point by computing the species level
heterogeneity \(I^2_{species}\):
I2_Total I2_Species_Latin I2_ArticleID I2_EffectID
7.377069e+01 2.343703e-07 2.592653e+01 4.784416e+01
Additionally, we will use this dataset to show the advantage of using
orchard plot over forest plot when the number of effect sizes
(k) is very large. Let’s use forest()
function and
function to visualise the results of the
multilevel model with the above selected random-effects structure,
separately. From Figure S8, we can see that the forest plot does not
work well when visualising a large dataset. In contrast, the orchard
plot can clearly show each individual data point and the overall
estimate (Figure S9).
Figure S8
Forest plot showing 459 effect sizes used in a meta-analytic model
quantifying animal cognitive bias (data from Lagisz et al. (2020)).
Figure S9
Orchard plot (forest-like plot) showing 459 effect sizes used in a
meta-analytic model quantifying animal cognitive bias (data from Lagisz et al. (2020)). You can use help(orchard_plot)
to look at the corresponding arguments and add more code to make it more
elegant (Nakagawa et al. (2021)).
Section 8 – Fit multivariate multilevel meta-regression models
Adding multiple moderators variables as fixed-effects leads to a multi-moderator multilevel meta-regression. In this section, we fit a multi-moderator multilevel meta-regression using the complex animal dataset from Lagisz et al. (2020).
8.1 Concepts and rationale
In contrast to the single-moderator meta-regression (as illustrated earlier), a multi-moderator multilevel meta-regression can provide richer meta-scientific insights, for example, by: (1) investigating the interactive effect between two moderator variables, and (2) correcting for publication bias and estimating the bias-adjusted overall effect size (Kvarven et al. (2020)).
A more general form of multilevel meta-regression model can be
written as:
ES_{[i]} = \beta_{0}' + \sum \beta_{mod}x_{[m]} + \mu_{between[j]} +
\mu_{within[i]} + e_{[i]}, (12)\\ \mu_{between[j]} \sim
N(0,\sigma_{between}^2)\\ \mu_{within[i]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{within}^2)\\
e_{[i]} \sim N(0,\nu_{[i]})
But for an easy start, let’s fit the simplest form of a
multi-moderator multilevel meta-regression model (two moderator
variables without any interactive term; see next section):
ES_{[i]} = \beta_{0}' + \beta_{1}x_{within[i]} +
\beta_{2}x_{between[j]} + \mu_{between[j]} + \mu_{within[i]} + e_{[i]},
(14)\\ \mu_{between[j]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{between}^2)\\ \mu_{within[i]}
\sim N(0,\sigma_{within}^2)\\ e_{[i]} \sim N(0,\nu_{[i]})
8.2 Fit a multilevel meta-regression to examine the interactive effects
Lagisz et al. (2020) has tested five moderator variables. We choose two of them for illustrative purposes:
animal sex (Sex) - sex of tested animals in the compared groups with three levels: female = only female animals were used; male = only male animals were used; both = both female and male animals were used.
test task type (TaskType) - type of the task used during behavioural trials with two levels: active choice = go/go tasks in which an animal is required to make an active response to cues perceived as positive and to cues perceived as negative; go/no-go = tasks in which an animal is required to suppress a response to cues perceived as negative and actively respond only to cues perceived as positive.
Let’s create a cross tabulation (contingency table) to display the combination of factor levels of Sex and TaskType (Table S5).
Table S5
A cross tabulation displaying the combinations of factor levels of
Sex and TaskType.
active choice | go/no-go | |
female | 21 | 204 |
male | 30 | 88 |
mixed-sex | 19 | 97 |
active choice | go/no-go | Total | n | |
female | 9.3 | 90.7 | 100 | 225 |
male | 25.4 | 74.6 | 100 | 118 |
mixed-sex | 16.4 | 83.6 | 100 | 116 |
All | 15.3 | 84.7 | 100 | 459 |
active choice | go/no-go | All | |
female | 30.0 | 52.4 | 49.0 |
male | 42.9 | 22.6 | 25.7 |
mixed-sex | 27.1 | 24.9 | 25.3 |
Total | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 |
n | 70.0 | 389.0 | 459.0 |
active choice | go/no-go | |
female | -2.27 | 0.96 |
male | 2.83 | -1.20 |
mixed-sex | 0.31 | -0.13 |
X-squared = 15.6584, df = 2, p = 0.0003979
By specifying argument mods
with a formula of ~
Sex + TaskType -1
(remember the trick of -1
?), we
can fit a multilevel multi-moderator meta-regression model with these
two moderators with:
maregression_sex.task <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, random = list(~ 1 | ArticleID, ~ 1 | EffectID), mod = ~ Sex + TaskType -1, # model animal sex and test task type simultaneously; data = dat_cognition, method = 'REML', # remember to change the method used to estimate variance back to restricted maximum likelihood (REML); sparse = TRUE)
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 459; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-563.4496 1126.8992 1138.8992 1163.6210 1139.0867
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.1408 0.3752 71 no ArticleID
sigma^2.2 0.2614 0.5112 459 no EffectID
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 455) = 1438.1072, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficients 1:4):
QM(df = 4) = 23.2763, p-val = 0.0001
Model Results:
estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
I(Sex)female 0.2303 0.1679 1.3718 0.1701 -0.0987 0.5593
I(Sex)male 0.5488 0.1543 3.5559 0.0004 0.2463 0.8512 ***
I(Sex)mixed-sex 0.3679 0.1726 2.1315 0.0330 0.0296 0.7062 *
I(TaskType)go/no-go -0.1609 0.1588 -1.0128 0.3112 -0.4722 0.1505
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Under Model Results
, we can see that for the moderator
Sex, only “male” and “mixed-sex” show statistically significant
effect on cognition bias (\(\beta_{0}\)
= 0.549, 95% CIs = [0.246 to 0.851] and \(\beta_{0}\) = 0.368, 95% CIs = [0.030 to
0.706], respectively). Below we show that “female” also has
statistically significant effect on cognition bias when controlling for
the confounding effect of of TaskType.
Suppose that the relationship between animal sex and effect size estimates differs for different types of behavioral assay. We can test this hypothesis by modelling the interaction between the two moderator variables:
\[ ES_{[i]} = \beta_{0}' + \beta_{1}x_{within[i]} + \beta_{2}x_{between[j]} + \beta_{3}x_{within[i]}x_{between[j]} + \mu_{between[j]} + \mu_{within[i]} + e_{[i]}, (12)\\ \mu_{between[j]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{between}^2)\\ \mu_{within[i]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{within}^2)\\ e_{[i]} \sim N(0,\nu_{[i]}) \]
You can use the argument mods
in rma.mv()
to define the interaction between animal sex (Sex) and types of
behavioral assay (TaskType). The core syntax is to use * to
connect the two moderator variables (mod = ~ Sex*TaskType
maregression_interaction <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, random = list(~ 1 | ArticleID, ~ 1 | EffectID), mod = ~ Sex*TaskType -1, # model the interaction; data = dat_cognition, method = 'REML', sparse = TRUE)
The printed output of the multilevel model with interaction term are similar to these from a “normal” meta-regression shown earlier:
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 459; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-558.1527 1116.3055 1132.3055 1165.2326 1132.6298
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.1294 0.3597 71 no ArticleID
sigma^2.2 0.2609 0.5108 459 no EffectID
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 453) = 1416.6432, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficients 1:6):
QM(df = 6) = 30.5065, p-val < .0001
Model Results:
estimate se zval pval ci.lb<U+200B>
I(Sex)female 0.7931 0.2853 2.7798 0.0054 0.2339
I(Sex)male 0.4613 0.1915 2.4091 0.0160 0.0860
I(Sex)mixed-sex 0.0331 0.2720 0.1218 0.9031 -0.5000
I(TaskType)go/no-go -0.7752 0.2985 -2.5973 0.0094 -1.3601
I(Sex)male:I(TaskType)go/no-go 0.7325 0.3724 1.9672 0.0492 0.0027
I(Sex)mixed-sex:I(TaskType)go/no-go 1.0063 0.4194 2.3993 0.0164 0.1843
I(Sex)female 1.3522 **
I(Sex)male 0.8366 *
I(Sex)mixed-sex 0.5662
I(TaskType)go/no-go -0.1902 **
I(Sex)male:I(TaskType)go/no-go 1.4623 *
I(Sex)mixed-sex:I(TaskType)go/no-go 1.8283 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Under Model Results
, now we see that “female” has a
statistically significant effect on cognition bias (\(\beta_{0}\) = 0.793, 95% CIs = [0.234 to
1.352]). Moreover, the last two lines provide the model estimates for
the interactive effects. We can see that the interaction between animal
sex and type of behavioral assay is statistically significant. The two
moderator variables including their interaction can explain 10.6%
variation among effect sizes (via r2_ml
R2_marginal R2_conditional
0.1063452 0.4026581
8.3 Correct for publication bias to estimate adjusted effect size
We have illustrated how to use univariate multilevel meta-regression to identify two forms of publication bias: small-study effect and decline effect (aka time-lag bias). A multi-moderator multilevel meta-regression with effect size’s sampling error (\(se_{[i]}=\sqrt{\nu_{[i]}}\)) and centred publication year (\(c(year_{[i]})\); see below for explanations) can be used to correct for the impacts of the two forms of publication bias:
\[ ES_{[i]} = \beta_{0}' + \beta_{1}se_{[i]} + \beta_{2}c(year_{[i]}) + \mu_{between[j]} + \mu_{within[i]} + e_{[i]}, (16)\\ \mu_{between[j]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{between}^2)\\ \mu_{within[i]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{within}^2)\\ e_{[i]} \sim N(0,\nu_{[i]}) \]
The intercept \(\beta_{0}'\) shows the expected effect size estimate when the sampling error (\(se_{[i]}=\sqrt{\nu_{[i]}}\)) and centred publication year (\(c(year_{[i]})\)) of an effect size are equal to zero. \(se_{[i]}\) = 0 means the precision of an effect size is infinitely large (precision = \(\frac {1} {se_{[i]}}\)), which indicates there is no small-study effect. \(c(year_{[i]})\) = 0 means there is no decline effect (i.e., time-lag bias). Therefore, intercept \(\beta_{0}'\) can be interpreted as the publication-bias corrected effect size (Nakagawa et al. (2022); Stanley et al. (2017)).
We can fit model 16 to Lagisz et al. (2020)’s dataset using this syntax:
maregression_pb <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, random = list(~ 1 | ArticleID, ~ 1 | EffectID), mod = ~ sed + Year.c, # sed = the sampling error (square root of sampling variance Vd); Year.c = the centered year (set mean year as 0), such that the model intercept is meaningful to be interpreted as a bias-corrected overall effect; data = dat_cognition, method = 'REML', # remember to change the method used to estimate variance back to restricted maximum likelihood (REML); sparse = TRUE)
Under Model Results
, sed
are the regression slopes of sampling error (\(se_{[i]}=\sqrt{\nu_{[i]}}\)) and
publication year \(c(year_{[i]})\):
\(\beta_{1}\) and \(\beta_{2}\)in model 16, respectively. We
can see a statistically significant sed
= 1.1561
= 0.0003), indicating there is a small-study
effect (Figure S10). Year.c
= -0.0002 is not statistically
significant (p-value
= 0.9931), suggesting that there is no
decline effect (Figure S11).
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 459; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-562.4264 1124.8529 1134.8529 1155.4653 1134.9862
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.2012 0.4486 71 no ArticleID
sigma^2.2 0.2415 0.4914 459 no EffectID
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 456) = 1457.0561, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficients 2:3):
QM(df = 2) = 12.8205, p-val = 0.0016
Model Results:
estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
intrcpt -0.2813 0.1566 -1.7957 0.0725 -0.5882 0.0257 .
sed 1.1561 0.3232 3.5768 0.0003 0.5226 1.7897 ***
Year.c -0.0002 0.0217 -0.0087 0.9931 -0.0427 0.0423
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Figure S10
The relationship between effect size estimates (SMD) and their sampling
errors indicates existence of a small-study effect.
Figure S11
The relationship between effect size estimates (SMD) and their
publication year indicates no decline effect (time-lag bias).
One point of note here: simulation study indicates that \(\beta_{0}'\) tends to underestimate the “true” effect (bias-corrected effect) if there is a nonzero treatment effect (i.e., \(\beta_{0}'\) is statistically significant at the 10% significance level; Stanley et al., 2017). In such as a case, replacing the sampling error (\(se_{[i]}=\sqrt{\nu_{[i]}}\)) by its sampling variance (\(se_{[i]}^2=\nu_{[i]}\)) can reduce the bias of the estimated “true” effect (bias-corrected effect):
\[ ES_{[i]} = \beta_{0}' + \beta_{1}se_{[i]}^2 + \beta_{2}c(year_{[i]}) + \mu_{between[j]} + \mu_{within[i]} + e_{[i]}, (17)\\ \mu_{between[j]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{between}^2)\\ \mu_{within[i]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{within}^2)\\ e_{[i]} \sim N(0,\nu_{[i]}) \]
Given that \(\beta_{0}'\) is
statistically significant at the 10% significance level
= 0.0725 < 0.1), we now fit model 17 to correct
for the publication bias:
maregression_pb2 <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, random = list(~ 1 | ArticleID, ~ 1 | EffectID), mod = ~ Vd + Year.c, # repalcing sampling error (sed) by sampling variance (Vd) avoid downwardly biased estimate of the bias-corrected overall effect (i.e., model intercept); data = dat_cognition, method = 'REML', sparse = TRUE)
Let’s have a look at the model outputs:
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 459; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-560.1260 1120.2520 1130.2520 1150.8645 1130.3853
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.1835 0.4284 71 no ArticleID
sigma^2.2 0.2456 0.4956 459 no EffectID
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 456) = 1455.6896, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficients 2:3):
QM(df = 2) = 16.6698, p-val = 0.0002
Model Results:
estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
intrcpt -0.0060 0.0848 -0.0712 0.9432 -0.1723 0.1602
Vd 1.0668 0.2616 4.0783 <.0001 0.5541 1.5795 ***
Year.c 0.0003 0.0210 0.0120 0.9904 -0.0410 0.0415
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
under Model Results
is the estimate
of model intercept (\(\beta_{0}'\)), indicating that the
estimated bias-corrected overall effect is negligible (\(\beta_{0}'\) = -0.006, 95% CIs =
[-0.172 to 0.160], p-value
= 0.943).
In our main text, we also mention that it is best to account for the potential heterogeneity when testing publication bias (because high heterogeneity may invalidate publication bias test):
\[ ES_{[i]} = \beta_{0}' + \beta_{1}se_{[i]}^2 + \beta_{2}c(year_{[i]}) + \sum \beta_{mod}x_{[m]} + \mu_{between[j]} + \mu_{within[i]} + e_{[i]}, (18)\\ \mu_{between[j]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{between}^2)\\ \mu_{within[i]} \sim N(0,\sigma_{within}^2)\\ e_{[i]} \sim N(0,\nu_{[i]}) \]
Such a complex model can be fitted as:
maregression_pb3 <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, random = list(~ 1 | ArticleID, ~ 1 | EffectID), mod = ~ sed + Year.c + Sex + TaskType + CueTypeCat + ReinforcementCat -1, # add other important moderator variables to accommodate the potential heterogeneity in the dataset; data = dat_cognition, method = 'REML', sparse = TRUE))
The regression slopes of sampling error (\(se_{[i]}=\sqrt{\nu_{[i]}}\)) and publication year \(c(year_{[i]})\) are similar to these without accounting for heterogeneity, although the exact values are different.
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 459; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-545.5197 1091.0393 1119.0393 1176.4752 1120.0116
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.2205 0.4696 71 no ArticleID
sigma^2.2 0.2391 0.4889 459 no EffectID
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 447) = 1411.0252, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficients 1:12):
QM(df = 12) = 37.2702, p-val = 0.0002
Model Results:
estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
sed 1.2319 0.3334 3.6946 0.0002 0.5784 1.8854 ***
Year.c 0.0123 0.0238 0.5165 0.6055 -0.0344 0.0590
Sexfemale -0.8188 0.3612 -2.2667 0.0234 -1.5268 -0.1108 *
Sexmale -0.4800 0.3480 -1.3791 0.1679 -1.1621 0.2022
Sexmixed-sex -0.6282 0.3666 -1.7135 0.0866 -1.3468 0.0904 .
TaskTypego/no-go 0.2531 0.3004 0.8424 0.3995 -0.3357 0.8419
CueTypeCatolfactory 0.1495 0.3845 0.3887 0.6975 -0.6041 0.9030
CueTypeCatspatial -0.0991 0.2345 -0.4225 0.6726 -0.5587 0.3605
CueTypeCattactile 0.4913 0.3816 1.2875 0.1979 -0.2567 1.2393
CueTypeCatvisual -0.1417 0.2359 -0.6006 0.5481 -0.6041 0.3207
ReinforcementCatR-P 0.2512 0.1731 1.4511 0.1468 -0.0881 0.5905
ReinforcementCatR-R 0.3700 0.3182 1.1629 0.2449 -0.2536 0.9937
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Section 10 – Fit a multivariate meta-analytic model
10.1 Concepts and rationale
Multivariate models can model two or more different types of response variables/outcomes with studies. So multivariate models cal account for the non-independence due to the multivariate effect sizes (i.e., correlations of true effects and sampling variances). It is worth noting that when dealing non-independence, multilevel models and multivariate models are identical if assuming correlations of the underlying true effects follow a compound-symmetric structure (heterogeneous variances and covariances/correlations of random effects). But multivariate models allow more flexibility in certain circumstances. For example, if we assume the random effects have an unstructured variance-covariance matrix, we can make the amount of variability to differ for different outcomes/response variables (e.g., for depression and anxiety) within the studies. We acknowledge that multilevel model is not capable of settling this. But in such a case, we would like to call it as a ‘multi-response’ or ‘multi-outcome’ model as ‘multivariate’ is really confusing here.
10.2 Construct a multivariate meta-analytic model
Under the dependency condition where the same outcome (e.g., depression) is measured at different measurement occasions, namely, multiple effect sizes are different observations of the effect corresponding the same outcome (e.g., depression), a multilevel model we fitted in Section 2 – Fit a multilevel meta-analytic model to estimate overall pooled effect can be reformulated via multivariate parameterization. Below, we illustrate this case. We are not going to illustrate how to use a multivariate model to account for the dependency of effect sizes due to the different outcomes measured within the same study. Because such a multivariate data structure is not a typical one in animal meta-analysis.
A multivariate model with random effects taking on a compound-symmetric structure can be fitted with:mod_multivariate <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, random = ~ EffectID | ArticleID, method = "REML", data = dat_cognition)
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 459; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-570.6489 1141.2977 1147.2977 1159.6783 1147.3506
Variance Components:
outer factor: ArticleID (nlvls = 71)
inner factor: EffectID (nlvls = 459)
estim sqrt fixed
tau^2 0.4090 0.6395 no
rho 0.3584 no
Test for Heterogeneity:
Q(df = 458) = 1465.2543, p-val < .0001
Model Results:
estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
0.2257 0.0581 3.8819 0.0001 0.1118 0.3397 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
As we said, all the parameter estimates and model fitting statistics are identical to a multilevel model:
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 459; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
-570.6489 1141.2977 1147.2977 1159.6783 1147.3506
Variance Components:
estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.1466 0.3829 71 no ArticleID
sigma^2.2 0.2624 0.5123 459 no ArticleID/EffectID
Test for Heterogeneity:
Q(df = 458) = 1465.2543, p-val < .0001
Model Results:
estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
0.2257 0.0581 3.8819 0.0001 0.1118 0.3397 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Section 11 – Apply cluster-robust inference methods
11.1 Concepts and rationale
There is an alternative method to account for statistical non-independence: variance estimation method (REV). As shown above, the multilevel model uses a multilevel random-effects structure to account for non-independence among effect sizes and a VCV matrix to account for non-independence among sampling errors. In contrast, REV can estimate the sampling covariances from the meta-analytic data itself and subsequently adjust the associated standard errors (a so-called robust standard errors) to avoid inflated Type I error and p-value of model coefficients (e.g., overall effect or pooled effect size: \(\beta_{0}\)).
11.2 Meta-analysis with RVE with the multilevel model framework
Some researchers recommend using the multilevel model to account for
data non-independence, while others endorse the use of RVE. Rather than
choosing between the two, we prefer to take advantages of both (a
so-called hybrid strategy): implementing a multilevel model in the
framework of RVE. By doing so, RVE can provide us with the robust
significance tests and confidence intervals for the model coefficients.
Meanwhile, the multilevel model can provide us with extra model
estimates, for example, the partitioning of variance components across
levels (e.g., \(\sigma_{between}^2\)
and \(\sigma_{within}^2\)). This hybrid
strategy seems very difficult to implement. Conveniently, the
combination of metafor
and clubSandwich
packages provides an elegant solution.
The implementation is very straightforward. First, construct a
multilevel meta-analytic model via rma.mv()
function in
multilevl.ma.model <- rma.mv(yi = d, V = Vd, random = list(~ 1 | ArticleID, ~ 1 | EffectID), data = dat_cognition, method = 'REML')
Then, use coef_test()
function in
package to compute the robust error and use it
for the subsequent model inferences (i.e., significance tests):
mod_RVE <- coef_test(multilevl.ma.model, # fitted multilevel model for which to make robust model inference (an object of class "rma.mv"); vcov = "CR2", # "bias-reduced linearization" is specified to approximate variance-covariance; test = "Satterthwaite", # method for which small-sample correction to approximate; cluster = dat_cognition$ArticleID )
As shown below, the outputs of the coef_test()
mainly focus on the model inferences - significance tests of the model
coefficient (e.g., \(\beta_{0}\)):
Coef. Estimate SE t-stat d.f. p-val (Satt) Sig.
1 intrcpt 0.226 0.0581 3.88 65.8 <0.001 ***
Section 12 - Addition after peer review
During peer review, our reviewers gave thoughtful comments and suggestion. As inspired by one of the useful comment, we decided to add multivariate model to our paper. As a complement, we added the corresponding illustration in this section. However, we did not find any available dataset to show multivariate model (this is also a part of reason why we did not include multivariate model in our original paper). Here, for illustrative purpose, we fabricated a fictitious dataset.
This fictitious dataset looks like:
dat_mv <- data.frame(assay = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5), studyID = c("s1","s1","s2","s2","s3","s3","s4","s4","s5","s5"), outcome = rep(c("sensory", "anxiety"),5), yi = c(0.37,-0.22,0.1,-0.5,0.3,-0.02,0.16,-0.21,0.46,-0.29), vi = c(0.0065,0.0067,0.0047,0.0007,0.0011,0.0004,0.0019,0.0005,0.0048,0.0204), v1i = c(0.0065,0.0020,0.0047,0.0008,0.0011,0.0006,0.0019,0.0008,0.00048,0.00062), v2i = c(0.002,0.0067,0.0008,0.0007,0.0006,0.0004,0.0008,0.0005,0.0062,0.00204))
Before we can proceed with the model fitting, we need to construct the full (block-diagonal) variance-covariance for all studies from these two variables. We can do this using the vcalc() function in one line of code:
VCV <- vcalc(vi = 1, cluster = studyID, rvars = c(v1i, v2i), data = dat_mv)Then, fit the multivariate random-effects model with:
model_MV <- rma.mv(yi = yi, V = VCV, random = ~ outcome | assay, struct="UN", mods = ~ outcome - 1, method = "REML", test = "t", data = dat_mv)
The output looks like:
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 10; method: REML)
logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc <U+200B>
3.4643 -6.9285 3.0715 3.4687 33.0715
Variance Components:
outer factor: assay (nlvls = 5)
inner factor: outcome (nlvls = 2)
estim sqrt k.lvl fixed level
tau^2.1 0.0304 0.1744 5 no anxiety
tau^2.2 0.0204 0.1429 5 no sensory
rho.anxt rho.snsr anxt snsr
anxiety 1 - 5
sensory 0.3468 1 no -
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 8) = 535.3431, p-val < .0001
Test of Moderators (coefficients 1:2):
F(df1 = 2, df2 = 8) = 20.0793, p-val = 0.0008
Model Results:
estimate se tval df pval ci.lb ci.ub <U+200B>
outcomeanxiety -0.2464 0.0804 -3.0655 8 0.0155 -0.4318 -0.0611 *
outcomesensory 0.2802 0.0680 4.1214 8 0.0033 0.1234 0.4371 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
We see that a multivariate random-effects model can meta-analyze the two outcomes simultaneously. Moreover, the correlated random effects structure allows that variance of each outcome to vary.
Guide against the misspecified VCV matrix:
robust(model_MV, cluster = studyID, clubSandwich = TRUE)
Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 10; method: REML)
Variance Components:
outer factor: assay (nlvls = 5)
inner factor: outcome (nlvls = 2)
estim sqrt k.lvl fixed level
tau^2.1 0.0304 0.1744 5 no anxiety
tau^2.2 0.0204 0.1429 5 no sensory
rho.anxt rho.snsr anxt snsr
anxiety 1 - 5
sensory 0.3468 1 no -
Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
QE(df = 8) = 535.3431, p-val < .0001
Number of estimates: 10
Number of clusters: 5
Estimates per cluster: 2
Test of Moderators (coefficients 1:2):1
F(df1 = 2, df2 = 2.97) = 14.7715, p-val = 0.0286
Model Results:
estimate se1 tval1 df1 pval1 ci.lb1 ci.ub1 <U+200B>
outcomeanxiety -0.2464 0.0808 -3.0492 3.98 0.0383 -0.4713 -0.0216 *
outcomesensory 0.2802 0.0682 4.1108 3.96 0.0150 0.0902 0.4703 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
1) results based on cluster-robust inference (var-cov estimator: CR2,
approx. t/F-tests and confidence intervals, dfs = Satterthwaite method)
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Software and package versions
R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
locale: _LC_COLLATE=Chinese (Simplified)China.936, _LC_CTYPE=Chinese (Simplified)China.936, _LC_MONETARY=Chinese (Simplified)China.936, LC_NUMERIC=C and _LC_TIME=Chinese (Simplified)China.936
attached base packages: grid, stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, datasets, methods and base
other attached packages: formatR(v.1.11), pander(v.0.6.4), gridGraphics(v.0.5-1), png(v.0.1-7), cowplot(v.1.1.1), ggthemr(v.1.1.0), ggalluvial(v.0.12.3), visdat(v.0.5.3), ggsignif(v.0.6.3), plotly(v., networkD3(v.0.4), GoodmanKruskal(v.0.0.3), patchwork(v.1.1.1), MuMIn(v.1.43.17), orchaRd(v.2.0), clubSandwich(v.0.5.3), metafor(v.3.4-0), metadat(v.1.2-0), Matrix(v.1.2-18), readxl(v.1.3.1), DT(v.0.19), here(v.1.0.1), forcats(v.0.5.1), stringr(v.1.4.0), dplyr(v.1.0.7), purrr(v.0.3.4), readr(v.2.0.1), tidyr(v.1.1.3), tibble(v.3.1.4), ggplot2(v.3.3.5), tidyverse(v.1.3.1), rmdformats(v.1.0.3) and knitr(v.1.37)
loaded via a namespace (and not attached): ggbeeswarm(v.0.6.0), TH.data(v.1.1-0), colorspace(v.2.0-0), ellipsis(v.0.3.2), rprojroot(v.2.0.2), estimability(v.1.3), fs(v.1.5.0), rstudioapi(v.0.13), farver(v.2.1.0), fansi(v.0.5.0), mvtnorm(v.1.1-2), lubridate(v.1.7.10), mathjaxr(v.1.2-0), xml2(v.1.3.2), codetools(v.0.2-18), splines(v.4.0.3), jsonlite(v.1.7.2), broom(v.1.0.1), dbplyr(v.2.1.1), latex2exp(v.0.9.4), shiny(v.1.6.0), compiler(v.4.0.3), httr(v.1.4.2), emmeans(v.1.6.3), backports(v.1.2.1), assertthat(v.0.2.1), fastmap(v.1.1.0), lazyeval(v.0.2.2), cli(v.3.0.1), later(v.1.3.0), htmltools(v.0.5.2), tools(v.4.0.3), igraph(v.1.2.6), coda(v.0.19-4), gtable(v.0.3.0), glue(v.1.4.2), Rcpp(v., cellranger(v.1.1.0), jquerylib(v.0.1.4), vctrs(v.0.3.8), nlme(v.3.1-151), crosstalk(v.1.1.1), xfun(v.0.29), rvest(v.1.0.1), mime(v.0.11), miniUI(v., lifecycle(v.1.0.0), pacman(v.0.5.1), MASS(v.7.3-54), zoo(v.1.8-9), scales(v.1.1.1), promises(v., hms(v.1.1.0), sandwich(v.3.0-1), yaml(v.2.2.1), sass(v.0.4.0), labelled(v.2.9.0), stringi(v.1.7.4), highr(v.0.9), rlang(v.0.4.10), pkgconfig(v.2.0.3), evaluate(v.0.14), lattice(v.0.20-41), htmlwidgets(v.1.5.3), labeling(v.0.4.2), tidyselect(v.1.1.1), plyr(v.1.8.6), magrittr(v.2.0.1), bookdown(v.0.24), R6(v.2.5.1), generics(v.0.1.0), multcomp(v.1.4-17), DBI(v.1.1.1), mgcv(v.1.8-33), pillar(v.1.6.2), haven(v.2.4.3), withr(v.2.4.2), survival(v.3.2-7), questionr(v.0.7.7), modelr(v.0.1.8), crayon(v.1.4.1), utf8(v.1.2.2), tzdb(v.0.1.2), rmarkdown(v.2.11), data.table(v.1.14.0), reprex(v.2.0.1), digest(v.0.6.27), xtable(v.1.8-4), httpuv(v.1.6.2), stats4(v.4.0.3), munsell(v.0.5.0), beeswarm(v.0.4.0), viridisLite(v.0.4.0), vipor(v.0.4.5) and bslib(v.0.3.0)